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Paper Preparer

Paper preparer please find cherry terror jackfrreeze frost frozen ice cycle are called and not chosen God fearing beware betrayal falls to all chosen green guys small my Homeys disaster only falls once in a life Dear Mary please bless the childs that are chosen no Bell to ring RECON has seen a hail Mary music the church bells ring 2400 hrs I call it 0 hundred hrs clear conscience getting gold no problem echo on the way players don't play the games you follow fill my void painless I painted the red state I had no choice I asked Obama For a troop Nelson Mandela my inspiration next evening Fort Bragg took me to a place called the Indian slaughter Shiloh really changing the water notice baptize by holy the ghost the story goes Noble silence the only voice my concerns echoed into the forest as they gave me force metal almost fell to earth friendly reminder God made and can bend iron global business our website boost moral by the 100 at the moment of greatest danger God said I've Gaven you guidance airman died ghost remained on earth as a monster appears I was emporwered by their spirits a victory don't teach us much as defeating a failure now the cresent attacks now I'm daring the bastard's strong enough to take my life away and I hit with my Hitters a one hit quitter heads up in the trailer two heads appear to be caved in a army lady delivered whole and chopper over head cold pointing me the wrong direction no other choice throw the orange off I takes my hits I never expected sabtuage could save my life the director my resume said recommended the commander was all the hope and I supported both but that night it was one team and one fight a seal extraction a good idea businesses thrives The P advised me as I pancaked a fake seal a alien a dead end God is the way out of them take time to equip yourself with the armour of God the devil device blue and yellow hellow orange paint i compelled to prepare a master piece beware 0 degrees you don't flock with birds like these the air force said always stay golden opportunity no man knows what's going wrong till the last moment if simper fidelis can hold the line blood and gold the spell come closer notice my voice has closed many gates of hell my soul burns as God test me by the fire My first teacher the forest bleachers Disaster in the picture better believe invisible to ever eye bullet points to consider the dimension a mystery we can kill without the slightest regret heal the worlds pain to only suffer wounds of shame knowledge never boast as you come closer your understanding becomes aware of zero tolerance A Freemasons 3 ways of thinking Frankly the second demnsion is a place I killed Satan he sent baby demons I train them hesitated in God's Presence he rushed away in the evening he alawys makes his attacks based on the sun setting on my anger as a ranger The Texas Star a world away, For an Army general eagerly gave me my bachelor's degree serving the world a cup of sorrow just to drink from the same dregs the cup of God has no partake with the cup of demons I was not sent away I was thinking I shall not ever bow my knee to Baal the bulls of Bashan always seek to take my blood or put me in jail youth in the South the streets speak life she finds me in the kitchen she didn't mention her secrets to me she has a way with making my choices as I listen great weekend warrior princesses can be expected to fight at the first light but when bedtime comes her only wishes to be with her son and not me cause a king didn't advise me to throw away the glory further more West Virginia Beach FL a hemi rymes bank right life's a circle the Google triangle is a person poster child of the army through storms youve carried the troop and they burry every man thought the equal of the son of God the Eagle fly's the Bear always looks you in the eye but lion is roaring Satan hates NATO but NATO blesses your children containers of seal green on the calendar Cinderella has an appearance the lady definitely dares the devil death only a step away the hand gun in his hand a good time to defend my country protect double the risk by a dozen the word green reminds me of a hot zone in the forest the chamber of the gun damaged the killer believes he can collect 50 million dollars the deed if it's done I believe will definitely decide my destiny my chosen tactic to let the bullet knock him backwards grassyknoll snakes bath in the sunshine now in the bucket them bitches be captured my grand daddy should happy a virtue all is all I'm left cause God's designs have chosen me to carry a burden so heavy but I'm week if I feint in the day of adversary purple is not a paint to match the color scheme but light purple expresses my greatest strengths my Father said gather the sheep pink prepares pinnacles of discovery fervently Ive prayed to hear From God as words displayed Im Love page Down under the hood is a demon horns unrighteousness abounds in the palace I'm scorned my heart deeply sadden I performed a miracle in his eyes and was denied to partake of his table on the tablet of his heart write by tomorrow the next day a fixture directly a businesses front in the future fear of YHWH Hebrews light the candle

Copyright © | Year Posted 2017

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