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A hit at an object; a fast pin pierce; a cut; blood-shed All these cross my flesh and nerves and give me unpleasant signs. Though a part is hurt, throughout the physique, the news is said. Every cell, nerve, flesh, and skin inclines to a benign pine The pain in the body is bearable. Ache of the heart! Persists, as though endlessly long, even for many years. Illness, death, loss, failures, and divorce that make spouses part Lack of cheers and unending fears that cause eternal tears Existence turns into an absurdity; joy ceases. Fear, loneliness, and uncertainty sing like scorpions. Though yearning to face the grave, patience with death increases. The earth turns hell; Is the environs a penal region? Optimism, yet, succeeds in finding countless gains in pain. Isn't existence all about changing pain into gain...?

Copyright © | Year Posted 2023

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Date: 12/27/2023 5:11:00 PM
Deep descriptions of pain, Christuraj. I hope this isn't real for you. Your final question is thought-provoking. I think you may have it right. We're here to overcome the pain and suffering of living from the outside in instead of living from the inside out. Good to see you're writing a lot of Sonnets now. I'll be back to read more of them later. Your poet friend in Texas, Bill
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Date: 12/27/2023 2:19:00 AM
Pain can be unbearable at times but often we can rise above it. You captured pain well in your verse. Happy New year Christuraj. Tom
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Alex Avatar
Christuraj Alex
Date: 12/27/2023 5:24:00 AM
Thank you very much. May God Bless You!

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry