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P B S News William Will You Brangham

We love William Brangham of the PBS News Hour.William encourages accountability in the things that we do and PBS News wants us all to abide by the rules so that no one gets abused in this this "Democracy"! William will you "Bringem"? Bring them to accountability! William bring them to to accountability for me and "Democracy".You speak the "Truth" William Branghami",and I see the truth in you,Lisa,Judy,and the staff of our PBS News Hour. William would you teach them how to be fair men and women,and respectful ,and account themselves for what they say to you and me that is false!They must be accountable for what they say:Just like this poem that I write today.Love is an "Action Word"Love Action is satisfaction! Hate is an action word;and is a verb that causes failure and displeasure even in our leisure.Actions speak "Louder" than any words that can ever be heard.William will you "Brangham to accountability",and reality with tranquility;humility because we suffer from instability in "Democracy".The Lord God Almighty had you named "William Brangham for a reason,and that name is "In Season"Judy,Lisa,and all of the staff of PBS News Hour is "A Part Of Something Beautiful" and William will Brangham the truth to help freedom stay free for us all to include you and me! "Accountability" helps make "Democracy" "The Experiment" that can become a "Reality"! Accountability for "The Inserection" that attempted to bring "Democracy Down" while "The then elected President sit and watched it happen,and did not raise a finger to prevent the inserrection!William will you help "Branghami"to "Accountability" with the truth that you speak?PBS News Hour perseveres with "The Truth" over "Lies"and make us wise! We realize who is telling the truth and who is telling lies.William is really "Bringingem"!PBS educates,enlightens,and brightens our days in truthful understanding ways!We seek the truth,and William will "Brangham"as we become "A Part Of Something Beautiful"!Del Walters of Scripps News will you"Bring'em to "Accountability"? You are making your best effort,and they are comming into "Accountability in the "Criminal Courts" to face "Justice,and not be able to "Destroy Democracy"!The "Criminal Said I need 11,780 votes! This is what Donald John Trump wanted to steal in "The Great State Of Geogia"from Joe Biden: Abby Joy will you "Bring'em to "Accountability"so that"Democracy Itself" can remain "Free" from being put in "HARMS WAY",like what happened on Jan6,2021 when "Democracy itself almost came "UNDONE" by iggorance and arrogance:? Arrogance is something that "The Lord God Almighty Hates": Trump already knows that real fact!D.J.T is "Arrogrant",and tried to cheat to win "The Presidential Race of 2021!The thug almost caused "Democracy to come "UNDONE"!!! Abby you bring us Joy!Your name says it all! AbbyJoy! Scripps News knows the rules,and uses every tool to bring about "Accountability": Trump put "Democracy Itself"in "Harms Way",and as "Trump" looks down from "Trump Tower",he will come down to0 "The County Jail",to get his "Mug Shot"taken for being "The Worst"President" who almost caused "The Fall of "The United States Of America": He is and was "Struck by Iggorance,and Arrogrance,and "Smitten"by "Lies that can cause the fall of any Country or Nation!

Copyright © | Year Posted 2021

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