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She is but a passing shadow flitting across the moonlit sea Wandering waves roaming their ripples in search of her next ship to board Steered by starlight she journeys to fresh horizons constellations mapped many moons ago with no route to a harbor or home Yet, a paradox in this pattern of flight a sudden urge to reach for the ties severed by her departure With each anchored vessel and fleeting bond formed her endless quest for more finds less and less as the gap she longs to bridge just grows Soon her chances will sail into the night and out of view leaving her final leap to land in the deep dark blue Then without a ship to join or jump no ties to save or sever She’ll be but a fading shadow sinking into the moonlit sea.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2024

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Date: 3/15/2024 11:05:00 AM
Congratulations on your win in the 1294 poetry contest. So beautifully crafted, moving and lyrical. Kudos, Paulette
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Wheeler Avatar
Jessica Wheeler
Date: 4/19/2024 7:45:00 PM
Thank you so much, Paulette xo
Date: 3/13/2024 11:18:00 AM
What a deep and heartfelt poem, i love the creative manner youv expressed here and the opening and ending really stood out for me too. I also loved the lines “ Steered by starlight she journeys to fresh horizons constellations mapped many moons ago with no route to a harbor or home“ that hits home and deep! So soul stirring. Pleasure reading your work, sending you light
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Jessica Wheeler
Date: 3/13/2024 11:33:00 AM
That means so much to me. Thank you for your lovely comment! It made my day! Xo Jess

Book: Reflection on the Important Things