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Over-Odd: Eh What's Real-Eye-Able

body builders have an ab-sense girdles are just an abs-tractions to communicate is to accomplish-'meant' to know your limits means know-'ledge' too much wine means too absorb-'bent' a purebred can be a cat-as-'trophey' being elected does not come with a flag'grant' women's gossip is gal-'lore' a thinker is as an idea-'list' a divorcee can be over-'wed' old age homes mean pack-'aging' dinner out means a pal-at-'table' a good marriage seems as a pair-'able' conflicting medical opinions means a pair-a-'docs' a couple can pair-'rent' dying for some means to pass-'time' to enjoy means to be pleasure-'able' those pictures of your whole life are just a photo-'graph' pharmaceutical companies do create pill-'grims' insults can be two per-'verse' be positive and plea-'sure' the outhouse sign says po-'tent' not expensive means price-'less' an ocean cruise is a relation-'ship' where does a frustrated writer ram-'page' drinking properly means ration-'ale' to be awake means two real-'eyes' the preacher was right-'full' poetry soup is made from different poet-'trees' best university education is on a scholar-'ship' stan sand

Copyright © | Year Posted 2020

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Date: 7/6/2020 7:29:00 PM
Love the metaphors of your work Stan. Truly a very gifted writer of inspiring works and talents and this why I love your work, a refreshment to my soul.
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Sand Blown
Date: 7/6/2020 10:38:00 PM
...thank you francis….meta-phors be with you.... stan sand
Date: 7/5/2020 11:04:00 PM
Lovely play on words Stan.
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Sand Blown
Date: 7/5/2020 11:38:00 PM
...thank you caren….the write-shape was wrong...there should have been a story and few lines hmmm....not meaning gross but rather only three or four lines per stanza : ) stan sand

Book: Reflection on the Important Things