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Out Thru the In Door

I went out thru the ‘in’ door… as people passed me I know not what for… I just had to see Their faces grew sullen… saddened and grey For I was going… in the opposite way What had they done… I had to explore How had it begun… and could I restore Their faces had changed… from one of glee With bodies arranged… all around me But there was one thing… I shed a tear The people were in… a constant state of fear For just a few… had taken control Run like a zoo… with a single goal To brainwash and sway… one thoughts and desires Like easy prey… and delicate flowers The more I observed… I could foresee How they deserved… to be set free I reached in my heart… and spread thru the mist A march would start… as I shook my wrist I then turned around… and made my way Then to be found… a much better day. By: Greg Stanley

Copyright © | Year Posted 2011

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