our natural state
Pavlov’s dogs are salivating
bells of nature ring as
every action yields consequences
stimuli evoke a response and
primeval instincts dance with evolution
‘I think therefore I am’ jingles in the mind
while valid emotions seek freedom
from primordial shackles and chainsaws
‘progress not perfection’ I hear you say
a cornerstone headway and presupposition
for a purposeful life of truthful meaning
it is only natural to doubt in disbelief
so many answers but what is the question
when the personal is political and
belligerent affairs are demeaning
the Self runs riot in justification
as ill judgements and warfare take over
canines drool dribble spit fire
yet monkeys share their spoils and bananas
humans however claim ultimate fitness
in their fight over natural resources
account for behavioural actions
in grandiose faith only in themselves
the planet is crying out for pity and mercy
and of course I am a mere cog in the wheel
spun out of control from kindness love compassion
a whole is more than the sum of
global destruction as the clock keeps ticking
to the desperate sound of destruction and evil
we are brutal self-centered savages
wild at heart and remonstrate
‘it is only the natural state of affairs’
lack objections remorse and reprieve
soothe our consciences with sweet babble of
paradise with apples and megalomania
in a snake pit in which fruit
fall too close to the stem
decompose into rancid cynical cider
ferment toxic venomous black outs
does or should life really flow on its own
slaves to collective insanity wreckage and carnage
we wield words swords mine fields of Ego
and the world and its nature
could be so beautiful without
such axes of evil bedlam instead of
respect for a Universe
so much bigger than greed
07th January 2025
Copyright © Kai Michael Neumann | Year Posted 2025
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