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Our Golden Retriever

Sadly our Golden is nearing the end But still has a bunch more loving to give Amazing how they win you over In the heart where everybody lives Fifteen years of warmth and sunshine Miss Golden you have turned my crank Sure wish you could live forever But in reality we have much to thank Sadly our Golden is nearing the end She's hanging on for our benefit not hers We should let her go with dignity And bequeath her charms to her heirs

Copyright © | Year Posted 2022

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Date: 3/25/2022 9:21:00 AM
So sad Jack, they're part of the family, we've had to say goodbye to two now, it's heartbreaking. We made many visits to the vets but we were just putting off the inevitable, and looking back it was the kindest thing to do. Tom
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Jack Ellison
Date: 3/25/2022 9:36:00 AM
It's hard to know when the time has arrived! Always hoping they will live longer! Jack

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