Our first day
"Time flies when you are having fun"
Well, time has definitely flies in front of me.
It has been exactly one year,
Since we first met.
Amazingly, I still vividly remember how that day unfolded.
How we struck a beautiful friendship.
That Wednesday morning, I went to this place,
In a room, full of electronic equipments.
I scanned the L shaped benches.
You stood out in the crowd,
A light green khaki jacket, and a beanie on your head,
You hunched over your electronic device,
Which placed in front of a computer.
I clearly remember, how I started my first words.
"Excuse me sir, may I have this seat, please".
Quickly, you said "Of course, it is all yours".
You stood up and moved away from the swirlving chair.
I then realised, you had lot of belongings to pack.
I changed my mind and walked away.
Not before I said, "Don't worry about it.
You came first, you have the right to use it"
I did not know why, but at the time,
I felt I should be fair and act like a lady.
I left the place and back in another day.
Over the next six months.
We became two close friends.
We met everyday and evening, except Sunday.
In the same room and also at my private place.
One evening, during a casual chatting,
You told me, you also remembered our first meeting.
Of course, you should never forget,
Because you almost lost your seat,
If I had insisted taking it.
I shall never forget that day.
And all of those followed.
Copyright © C33 B66 | Year Posted 2025
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