Our Bed
As I strip the mattress bare
and watch the pile
of sheets, pillowcases,
blankets and pillows grow
I find myself thinking of you...
and me.
What comes to mind
is sheer happiness.
As I tuck the sheet under the foot of the bed
(just like you like it)
I catch myself laughing
remembering the times we would stay awake
late into the night wrestling...
(I always won)
trying to stay quiet
until our laughter was uncontrollable
and we would hear one of the kids
yell from the next room...
I arrange the pillows
just as I always do...
(your favorite one on top)
and I take an extra moment
holding your favorite pillow...
your scent drifts up to my face
almost as if you are there.
I set it in place and realize
how many years have passed.
We've experienced so much
in this bed.
The laughter is what rings in my ears
as I fold back the comforter
to expose just a touch
of those all too familiar sheets
(you know...the ones with the ducks flying on them) .
As I leave our room
I find a sense of anticipation
in the thought that in a few short hours
we will be here again...together.
Copyright © Mary Nagy | Year Posted 2006
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