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Organic Healthcare Operations

Sogyal Rinpoche, and all the Rinpoche family before him, prescribes therapeutic merit of contemplating my Master's face. For ecotherapists the Master of Regenerative Intent is also Mother Earth's face, climate, multicultural health in ecological/theological harmony. EcoTherapists, like ancient saints and sacred scriptures, teachers and teachings, oral tradition Tellers and Experiential ReTellers, do not distinguish between secular ecological relationships and sacred theological co-passions Because we cannot see or hear, feel or touch, taste or smell any difference that makes a difference between exterior left-hemisphere dominant YangNature and interior right-hemisphere ecofeminist YinSpirit In appositional dialogue and not unhealthy oppositional debate. Anyway, whether because of dualistic blindness or nondualistic wisdom, or both physical experience and metaphysical theory, or all above and below tipping points of universal balancing mediation, Gazing on the Face of Earth is, for this ecotherapist, a growing awareness of changing enlightenment, beginning with dawn source East and ending with dusk's last gasp surrounding light's enculturing dominance fading from East toward West, recessive Right toward dominant Left eco-conservation toward liberal ego-love. In this light's day my brown-skinned daughter with lively brown crossed eyes, born addicted to alcohol, leaves the light and darkness of my home to enter a residential facility Paid for by the State of Connecticut and staffed by a non-profit Lutheran agency, with professional behaviorists and egotherapists, left and right hemisphere teachers of deep learning spiritual emotions with natural thoughts, natural thoughts expressing spiritual sensory sensed healthy healthed feelings, co-arising Earth's facial ease v disease, light v dark, empowerment v entropy. But, even today, as we finish packing and travel for an hour and go through this midVirus placement, the profound and most significant drama of light unfolds across the Face of our exterior Mother Where sun and shadow again sweep and climax and wane Where seasonal climate and daily temperature and humidity, rooted in yesterday's pre-millennial climate and global atmospheric pressured subclimates, branch out toward tomorrow's regenerative and degenerative health wealth and pathology stealth trends, co-arising this day's unique permacultural opera Witnessing and celebrating operations of daily changing uniquely evolving resiliently revolving Face my daughter's new and old homes of light and shadow resolutely best embrace.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2020

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