Orange Ball
Sweltering heat exhausting
So very hot am I
Unable to breathe
In this searing heat
From that big
Orange ball
in the sky
Folk sit in the sun
day after day
fill me with horror
fill with dismay
Burning their skin
whilst getting a tan
Burning instead
to a deep shiny red
At home
They cannot sleep
skin is damaged
by searing heat
With sun stroke
and sunburn
off work for a week
If only they realized
sat on the beach
It is radioactivity
burning their skin
And if they continue
Melanomas begin
as cancer slowly creeps in
Never knowing
it can kill
Is it worth it
for the thrill...
Enjoy this summer’s day
But stay out of sun midday
To keep sunburn at bay
Apply sun screen factor fifty
Keeps you young and fit and nifty
For at last summer has come
Now go out and have some fun …
Written 21st JULY 2022
after extremely high temperatures
Sponsor Brian Strand
Copyright © Ann Gilmour | Year Posted 2022
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