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Oracle Contest

I should be an oracle, I see the future just fine. In your future, I see you reading this next line. Okay, now lets try something hard. Maybe this will catch you off-guard. If your first or last name start with letters A to G, then in the past week you have received something free. If your first or last name start with letters H-N, Something has or will happen to make you say, not again. If your in the category of O-T, then today you saw someone you rarely see. If your in the last category of U-Z, then in the past week you said, why me? If somehow I got this incorrect, sorry, but seriously, what did you expect? Only one person can build your future and see it through. That one person above all is none other than you. Now tell me what does your future show? Also if I was right before, let me know.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2011

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Date: 6/28/2011 9:47:00 AM
A very intelligent write, Chris. At first I thought you act the seer, but at the end I saw what you meant. Well done.
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Date: 6/28/2011 8:42:00 AM
fascinating to me, chris! you've written a "mystical" piece while still keeping it grounded and prety hip! winning streaks for you :)huggs, nette
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Date: 6/28/2011 8:13:00 AM
lovely verse you have artfully penned
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