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Opposites Interact

Warm blooded creatures, yet as the heat of the day retreats, we crave warmth to cosset our souls. While the moon controls the tides, human flesh being mostly water, becomes ensnared in the heavenly body’s power. Elements of nature, diametrically opposed yet both compel us in equal measure. Fire dances, alive, organic, consuming its prey. No two sparks ever behave as twins, always the rogue, the lone wolf. Each lick out for its own gains, taking with it the fuel of life and energy as burnt a thousand suns before. Water moves en mass, as one, yet each droplet surging alone but toward its one kind. As a murmuration of birds on the wing, Independant yet intrinsically linked. Each individual yet the whole depends on it. Still despite all this, I cannot truly explain why our very human nature draws us, lures us, demands of us to take notice, when we see fire or water, these two opposing forces. These two spirits which compete for space though in combination cause steam to rise, obsidian to form and planets to become barren rocks devoid of both. Still, when faced with these two elements we always find time to stop and stare.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2023

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