Open Your Eyes
For my Dear Friend Robby, though you may never read's for you.
When you have been cold for so long
You sweat under blankets for hours
And still feel the chill ache between the bones of your feet
They are so tired
So walked upon and numb with neglect
And you have tiptoed through the silence in your empty house for so long you can hear the neighbors breathe
They are so alive
when you have chased escape for so long
It begins to sound like rescue
Begins rolling off your tongue at a moments notice
Smelling like smoke in a silent bedroom
Open your eyes
Wide open
Like you've never been blinded
Like your lungs still work
and your heart still works
And your tongue still works
And call me a liar if this isn't the brightest morning I can remember
When the mountains fall sharp and crumbling into this valley
you will not have time to pen your history
Or gather your belongings
Or kiss your mother one last time in case you forgot
What are you doing sleeping
When there is a city out there?
Rolling slanted and dirty out of the Pacific
Holding 630,000 people
with 630,000 heartbeats calling home
This behemoth reaching in the dusk tint
When the dust settles
You will be exactly where you left yourself
Be it sitting in the dark
Or struggling to earn joy like it owes you a favor
So when you find yourself fighting with gravity for lung space
And cherish the burn of no exit strategy
It feels like February shot directly into your veins
And yes you are going to fall down again
But you are so freaking alive
You're billions of organisms that have somehow learned to live together
So what are you doing calling this just another day?
This is the only chance your gonna get
When you've been down for so long
You've made the bottom your only friend
When hope only comes in dreams and teases
Open your eyes
This is the brightest damn morning you're ever gonna get
So go ahead and use it
Go ahead and take up space
Take as much as you want and stop apologizing
No one is going to tell you sorry for pushing you so far aside you fall off the edge
So start pushing back
Show me those wide open pupils
Show me a lifetime of stories where you win at the end
And I know winning is just a fancy word for content with what you accomplished
It's so easy to give up and call it survival
I don't want to survive if it comes with numb and listless
Be grateful for that wide open sunrise
Open your eyes
You are so damn beautiful when you are alive!
Copyright © Brittany Larson | Year Posted 2022
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