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Only Love

We know this world is the devil's playground And he will do anything to turn people away From our Lord and savior Jesus Christ almighty But good will always conquer evil so have heart And let the bright white light of the Holy Spirit Comfort you and me, only love can save us now Only, only love... From Chattanooga to Paris here's sending you Our deepest sympathies, ours may have been small In comparison to yours but you can't place any Value on any lost life for every life is a miracle and God has a purpose for everybody, just like the birds In the trees and the fish in the sea, it really doesn't Matter what religion you are, what matters is the love In your heart, no God that I know of would want you To kill yourself or anyone else in his name, yes these Are trying times and its puts the Angels to shame... But We know this world is the devil's playground And he will do anything to turn people away From our Lord and savior Jesus Christ almighty But good will always conquer evil so have heart And let the bright white light of the Holy Spirit Comfort you and me, only love can save us now Only, only love... Be a peace keeper and lets all come together Nothing is more powerful against Satan and his Handmaidens if we stand united with one another In the name of love, ONLY LOVE, ONLY LOVE... That’s the only way the world will ever change In the Lords name... We all are a part of God and God is love, ONLY LOVE, ONLY LOVE!

Copyright © | Year Posted 2016

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