Ones Time Upon This Little Blue Planet
One’s Time
Upon this little blue planet
One’s time could be as beautiful as a sunset !
One’s time could be as desolate as a desert !
One’s time could be as colourful as a rainbow !
One’s time could be as bleak as storm clouds !
One’s time could be as warm as spring rain !
One’s time could be as scary as a roller-coaster !
One’s time could be as much fun as a carnival !
One’s time could be as boring as a merry-go-round !
One’s time could be as exciting as white water rafting !
One’s time could be as light as a kite upon the wind !
One’s time could be as petrifying as the unknown !
One’s time could be as comforting as mother’s breast !
One’s time could be as uncertain as the weather !
One’s time could be as positive as the spirit of love !
One’s time could be as putrefying as spoiled food !
One’s time could be as nourishing as great cuisine !
One’s time could be as empty and dark as a great void !
One’s time could be as full as our evolving universe !
One’s time could be as moments we jump into with both feet !
One’s time could be as a whole, by sucking the life out of them !
One’s time could be as much, or as little as the choices we make !
One’s time could be as a great adventure !, if only time, we’d take !
B. J. “A” 2
November 10th 2016
Copyright © William J. Jr. Atfield | Year Posted 2016
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