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One Stone Is a Fortress

A stone is sitting in solitude underwater while others play Solitude is gainful, a finding of one’s inner qualities Those qualities surface that may have been unclaimed It is then that the integral source of contentment will exceed beyond defeat or discouragement and surface in the darkest of times . The stone will watch while others play but when it becomes dark the stone will prevail. That stone has a fortress of amour in the event of adversities to which it can become steadfast and not be disturbed by encounters. the water will roll over the stone while others will wash away.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2019

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Date: 10/20/2019 2:09:00 AM
How true my friend. We all stand against the current. Some of us will stay while others wash away. Have a great day.
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Date: 10/19/2019 5:48:00 PM
Hello Douglas Pederson, I like your erriee poem. Have a nice evening my friend.
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