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One Night In Stroud

I stumbled drunkenly through Stroud Passed the kebab van on the hill, When all at once I saw a crowd Of ladettes – taunting the old bill; Just for a lark, just for a wheeze, Flirting and dancing, dressed to tease. Bedecked with bling, drinking cheap wine, A clowder of cats out to play, Perfume and bags by Calvin Klein All you can eat slapper buffet. Looking for violence not romance, Tossing the V’s in fighting stance. The plods approached askance, as they Ignored them and crouched down to pee; The deluge nearly washed away, The council’s prized floral display! I gazed – amazed - at just how short; Their skirts were and indeed how taut. Often now – I sit down and cry (Sometimes it puts me off my food) When I recall what I did spy The female form so crass and rude; Those harpies in search of cheap thrills, Stooped - pissing on the daffodils. (apologies to Mr Wordsworth)

Copyright © | Year Posted 2013

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Date: 5/8/2013 9:42:00 PM
this is a very good poem... LINDA
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Date: 4/27/2013 3:57:00 AM
Does not Stroud have one of the oldest 'community' of Anarchists in England? Would they consider this behaviour as a credible example of anarchy, i.e. 'self- rule'? I doubt it! I would have thought quite the opposite. A better example would be the Royal National Lifeboat Institution (RNLI) that ex- Russian Prince and leading Anarchist thinker Peter Kropotkin saw as an example of Anarchism, the crew of each boat electing their skipper. In our complex urban societies Anarchy does not work. PD
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