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One must possess the patience of Job,

“The patience of Job” applied as an idiom that means to have great patience or endurance in the face of suffering. It's used to describe someone who perseveres through many problems or hardships. One must possess the patience of Job, (or be an uncommon Joe)... to bide their - meaning her/his time (while listening to muzak) before talking with Verizon Fios representative, who usually profusely thanks the long time customer for diligently holding out to discuss any pressing issue(s) at hand. All that fretting and fussing takes a toll and disallows one from attaining zen a state of blessed blissfulness when considerably unlike figurative swirling chaos cue Tiananmen Square when 1989 protests wrought strong arm of the law to quicken suppression courtesy the Chinese military decimated, interrogated, oppressed and vetted obliterated nascent twittering, and flickering freedom of expression student-led demonstrations linkedin with other brethren and sistren courtesy qua relationship each as netizen, with the others until government stepped in asserted authoritarianism Über alles might means right. Any resemblance between the above citation and living persons purely coincidental, cuz yours truly (me) cannot remain silent, but must (be as innocuous as a scare) crow (as if he got forced to chomp on the figurative bit), and admit without further delay said above iterated Biblical apothegm more challenging than threading a needle thru the eye of a camel. As a little boy buzzfeeding his curiosity sitting hours sprawled on the grass, and other instances in later years, when just a skinny lad, he honed the ability to wait for however long the waiting took, the exception being when my mother predictably late picking me up after school if I missed getting on the school bus. The wait well worth finally speaking with a Verizon Fios (Fiber Optic Service) representative, (who terminated television service with yours truly to lower his monthly bill), and while on a protracted waiting stance, I busied myself in the interim, whiling away the time playing online Solitaire: (I won another virtual trophy without cheating of course), and answered Facebook friend requests, while also checking for responses, and subsequently texting totally tubular men and women who sent me a message ofttimes in reaction to a poem I posted, and although no tangible (read tactile) interaction occurs, a more profound mental arousal begets enticing hypothalamus, thalamus, amygdala, and frontal lobes ushering orgasmic intellectual glorification analogous with peak crisis as described below regarding a breakout novel by D.H. Lawrence in Lady Chatterley's Lover. Nowadays aforementioned then ground breaking scandalous publication tells the story of a wealthy, upper-class woman, Lady Constance Chatterley, who felt trapped in a loveless marriage with a paralyzed husband and finds passionate love with the working-class gamekeeper on her estate, Oliver Mellors, highlighting the themes of class differences and the importance of physical intimacy and emotional fulfillment in a relationship; the book is considered controversial due to explicit depiction of sex and the social taboo of the affair. "Lady Chatterley's Lover" caused a major stir due to its explicit descriptions of sex, particularly female sexual pleasure, combined with the controversial portrayal of a passionate affair between an upper-class woman and a working-class man, which considered shocking and taboo for the time, leading to widespread censorship and bans across many countries when it first published.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2025

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Book: Reflection on the Important Things