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One Famous Night (A Quiz)

Ok so I decided, to try another quiz, And see if you can guess, what the answer is. It will be an easy one I promise maybe, Just follow the clues and look in the belfry. Look out for the bells, don’t bump your head, For this I would surely dread. Ok so we all settled that, Now look oh look for your hat. You don’t have a hat, imagine that, I wonder who took it, that dirty rat. So here we go one more time, I am trying my best to make this rhyme. You think it easy well not well not Back to the answer I forgot. Bats in the belfry two by two, Lets think of something completely new. A car you say, could it be, If that is the answer, you get one free. Now lets think of something famous, Could it be someone named Amos. No-no, no-no that is too easy, Oh my tummy is getting queasy. And just imagine on that night, The way he felt on his flight. Oh my oh my there’s bugs everywhere, Cant even imagine sitting in a chair. Oh look oh look the bugs light up, Don’t let them in your coffee cup. Now that must be a clue you gave it away, You know better than that, that will be the day. Where do we go from here, That word is familiar, it rhymes with cheer. Lets just forget it and go have a beer. So many clues you must be near. Well I think he has taken a long haul, Thank goodness he missed the wall. And yes his first name is Paul. Now I know you have it, not a surprise, Or did I just pull wool over your eyes. Well you don’t get off that easy, Cause I am still feeling queasy. It is three words, we are looking for, Call me when you have it and nothing more. Go back to the beginning, remember what was said. Maybe something will pop in your head. Yes the bats are a very big clue Just remember this, their were only two. The bugs the bugs what light does shine, Maybe two to help this rhyme. Oh that sounds so good to me, And don’t forget the number three. Three words it is, we need to know, Wonder if the reverend will tell us so. Oh my look what you said, Just something off the top of my head. But you almost spelt the second word, How can that be, you are absurd. I cant remember, was he riding somewhere, On that night, its not clear. Foggy it is, misty too, its so dark, That’s how they knew. The ride is known throughout the land, And so famous is the man. That’s all you get, and please done fret, You have to know it I’ll bet I’ll bet.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2007

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Date: 10/26/2009 2:04:00 PM
... as I recall it was around midnight ... smile ... What a wonderful write you've done here, Kenneth! Congratulations on having it featured this week here at the Soup !!
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Date: 10/26/2009 5:05:00 AM
Many, many congratulations on your poetry being featured on this October week >> James
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Date: 10/26/2009 4:20:00 AM
Congratulations on your well deserved poetry being featured this week Kenneth. May you have many more features. Love, Carol
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