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On the Beach In Sandusky

On the beach in Sandusky, a woman collapsed to retire her body at the edge of Lake Erie, under the awning of a cerulean sky. The waves reached out to heal her because I was never that kind. She will be more useful at her resurrection after sleep closed her lazy brown eyes. The world had left her, I was gone 4 steps, but my conscience ... My heart walked through shrubs and razor bumps. Not that I want to. I was seduced by this cause of injury to our children. It was enough for the world to see via social media. So, June 15th, 2009, I became Shem and Japheth; I took a towel, laid it across my children's shoulders, telling them to walk leeward and hide their mother's nakedness.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2020

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Date: 3/28/2020 4:40:00 PM
Oh this is clever!
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Book: Reflection on the Important Things