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On My Way To School

I din't travel by bus to school Neither did my mother drive me there With my friends and cousins I had the best of childhood fun During my primary school days On my way to school Early start from home The tropical sun was warm Kids from the neighborhood Joined as we marched by To feel the magic of the forest On my way to school Avoiding the main road And the cobbled village lane Away from the adult eyes Swayed by the occult cries Of the magic creepy crawlies On my way to school Shuffling through the silky webs Of the watchful Arachno- spies Slowing at the sight of scorpions And the scurrying beetles and centipedes We bent and crawled in the woods On our way to school The subtle sweet taste Of the wild cardamoms Was hardly enough to suck and spit the pungent seeds Yet it was a weird delicacy On my way to school Shiny purple Passion fruits Velvety blue wild olives Inky violet Bovitiyas Rasamora and blackberries Stimulated the taste buds On my way to school The years have gone by Dwellings have reached the sky Cobbled lane has disappeared Motor cars are revered I wander what the kids do now On their way to school

Copyright © | Year Posted 2017

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