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On Leaving

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unjoined lips parted, breathing with a sigh flowers stand for hours to undo proving only the softest of petals to brush a young cheek blushing all vision lost this throat no worthy vessel to release the stars to make a universe where doves still dare not fly still air fading Into night eyes become shunted with the bending of the light all sound an echo of two souls become a mirror me becoming you to closer be not grasping, releasing not gasping, breathing forsaking all the world for your touch I cannot disappear and still exist the finest line between your shadow and our kiss summoned by your gaze my eyes see everything my lips un-parted speak in kisses deep enough to fill all oceans all words could ever be your lips my lips your heart becoming me I disappear in you emerging into life anew unchanged this shameless Shaman dancing to Heaven’s fire with whispered sounds of background life piercing softly deep beneath the edge of wisdom’s knowing knife bleeding out to disappear in you so willingly would I become that which you create forsaking life for truth, forsaking life for beauty, forsaking all for this mad, sad cryptic moment missed by all beheld by none but now the bell tolls freely as time renews the moment and I must take such bitter pill, my leave.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2020

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