On Eagle Through Sahara
The journey of a thousand miles
Begins with a step taken with smiles
If there had not been a will
The records would have remained as nil
Never say never
Impossibilities won't last forever
Your daring adventure
Is an obscured voyage to some brainpower
We know that eagles can fly
But your eagle is built with a sly
For plying through that wasteland
What you did for the heart in the hand
Can never be done without courage
Or didn't you in the desert use the wheel to rage
Or ired by the intense torrent of the haboobs
Through the nights in the desert where you have no cubes
How did you escape the windy sand rain
I envy the courage that took over your brain
Such that you didn't know what to fear
And for impending dangers you didn't think to veer
Kunle Adeyanju has become a brand of idea
In his honour I rejoice with his fans on social media
They prove that love and care give more courage
A lesson for our leaders to learn to encourage
Copyright © Adefope Seun | Year Posted 2022
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