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Oh New Year, Burn Bright Premiere Contest Winner

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Open like a door before me Be it sun or rain or stormy Each new year gapes like yawning chasms, dark And for all my silly scheming All my notions and my dreaming Passion's flames won't ever light without a spark (Oh New Year please burn bright for me) I can not see your face from here But how I long to draw you near And hold you to my bosom like a child Oh New Year, won't you sing for me And drown the sad cacophony Of all the years behind me, lost and wild (Oh New Year please burn bright for me) You see, I'd been to hell and back A hundred times when I lost track Of all the hopes that blossomed in my youth With poisons making life surreal I'd lost the will to thrive or feel Until the kiss of death revealed my truth (Oh New Year please burn bright for me) This year I dream of someone new The mirrored face that longs to do The things that he has loosened to the wind To let go of the fears that bind That paralyze his heart and mind And never feel embarrassed or chagrined (Oh New Year please burn bright for me) I want to grasp life with both hands To twirl my spirit on the sands Of time, and never look back to redeem But make the most of moments, each Let laughter, love and friendship teach My soul the things I never dared to dream (Oh New Year please burn bright for me) Burn bright with the hopes of my music and pen Burn bright with the fire that can love me again Burn bright with the dreams that churn deep in my heart Burn bright with the flames of a joyous new start (Oh New Year please burn bright for me) And I will burn bright ... for YOU. ~ 1st Place ~ in the "Soon It Will Be 2019" Poetry Contest, Cecelia Hopkins-Drewer, Judge & Sponsor.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2018

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Date: 1/12/2019 4:38:00 PM
Congrats on another well deserved gold medal win, Gregory.
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Gregory Richard Barden
Date: 3/3/2019 12:50:00 AM
Thank you very much, Line! :-) <3
Date: 1/8/2019 8:14:00 PM
Awesome ! You've implored like a child n such genuine flow of emotions. Congratulations on your win !
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Gregory Richard Barden
Date: 3/3/2019 12:50:00 AM
Thank you so very much, Bawa, I so greatly appreciate your comments, friend! :-)
Date: 1/7/2019 9:06:00 AM
Stunningly amazing, sublimely beautiful, and superbly written, Greg. And, I pray that all these soul-searching hopes do fulfill your dreams come true this year. Congratulations on your well-deserved top of the podium win, and a FAV for me too. Sandra 3>
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Gregory Richard Barden
Date: 3/3/2019 12:50:00 AM
Oh, thank you so very kindly, Sandra, I greatly appreciate these beautiful and heartfelt comments of yours, and I'm so appreciative of your sweetness and friendship. Blessings to you! :-) <3
Date: 1/7/2019 8:32:00 AM
This is beautiful on every level. It is magical and doesn't seem like a mortal could have done it. It is one of your many pieces that I feel is indisputable evidence of the Divine...Ok so obviously this is a FAV... (Wow)
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Gregory Richard Barden
Date: 3/3/2019 12:48:00 AM
This comment just blew me away, PS, and I appreciate it more than I can express ... I believe we are all just tools for a higher power, (whatever each of us believes that to be), and this one came very fluid and smooth ... those are the precious ones, when you know they're from "elsewhere". Blessings and thanks, Dear Friend! :-) <3
Date: 1/7/2019 3:49:00 AM
This blew me away,Greg. I hope many of these aspirations will be truths achieved as you reflect back come December! Thank you for your frankness about past mistakes and fears which we have all to some extent experienced and I do wish you a very happy new year. Wendy
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Gregory Richard Barden
Date: 3/3/2019 12:46:00 AM
Oh, this is such a sweet comment, Wendy, and so greatly appreciate it my friend ... you are always so kind and honest, and I am grateful for your friendship and words! Blessings! :-) <3
Date: 1/7/2019 1:12:00 AM
Congratulations Gregory. You gave us rhyme and rhythm, lyrical patterning and lyrical sentiments! I liked the poem in other ways too, but essentially it won number one for technical excellence.
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Gregory Richard Barden
Date: 3/3/2019 12:45:00 AM
This means so much to me, Cecelia, as I worked very hard on this one, and truly put my heart and soul into it - I am honored and humbled to be on a winner's list with such amazing poets! Blessings and thanks, my friend! :-) <3
Date: 12/31/2018 11:09:00 AM
Love the contents substance Greg, hopes and desires burn bright, hope all yours are soon realized! Loved the rhyme scheme used, lyrical poetry at it's best, loved the refrain also!
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Gregory Richard Barden
Date: 3/3/2019 12:44:00 AM
Thank you so much, my good friend, I thought (and hoped) you might like this one. Blessings, Bud! :-)
Date: 12/31/2018 5:15:00 AM
Another gem to add to your great list of classics Greg. Been busy of late...I hope you had a nice Christmas and I wish for you to have a Happy and joyful New Year my dear friend. Charlie
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Gregory Richard Barden
Date: 3/3/2019 12:43:00 AM
Thank you so very much, Charlie, I so appreciate your kind words and friendship! :-)
Date: 12/31/2018 2:37:00 AM
We never know what it will bring but I hope it burns bright for you. Happy new year Gregory. Tom
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Gregory Richard Barden
Date: 3/3/2019 12:43:00 AM
Thank you so much, Tom, that is very kind, Brother! :-)

Book: Reflection on the Important Things