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Oh My Giddy Aunt

I remember when my Aunt wanted a divorce, said, "at last my time is mine I shall live on the Golf Course". My Uncle never played he gave the game a snub, thought it pretty pointless to hit a ball with club. He only wanted offspring, to fertilise her eggs, but she was bloody adament he would never part her legs! She never wanted family, He wanted Son and heir. So they found that life became too much to bear. So it was they split, my Uncle he played Bowls, Auntie she liked golf she loved those eighteen holes. One day while she was playing. A great Storm began to brew. Thunderclaps were shouting with Lightning Bolts that flew! She had just teed off, then was walking past a dyke when Thunder blew a fuse then lightning it did strike... ( When my Uncle heard my Auntie had been zapped, the only thing he said was...) "Well aint that very apt!!! " Oh my giddy Aunt!!! It was the ultimate birth control! Guess where she was hit? Between the first and second hole!

Copyright © | Year Posted 2011

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Date: 5/3/2011 4:58:00 AM
I enjoyed reading your wonderful poetry this morning Ned. I will be back again soon to read more. May the sun shine down on you and bring great joy to your life now and always. Love, Carol
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Date: 5/2/2011 3:33:00 PM
You naughty boy, you. lol. Good one, Ned. ^__^
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