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Oh, I Doo Love a Didge

Oh, how I doo love a didge.. Toned like one of many voices of our great Mother Earth; entrancing and slightly shamanic. It's how I imagine She hums to Herself, deep in Her rhythmic, rumbling ground. There's something about the way that humble, all consuming sound resonates right through my whole body and  mind - I cannot help but find it both soothing and simulating at the same time.. There's nothing quite like how, when one is played really well, I feel like its vibration is emancipating my soul from every cell. Give me a long, hollow piece of wood any day. And someone to breathe down it in that special, circular way. Put a good rhythm on their tongue, and let The Love inflate their lungs, and I'd more than happily spend from dawn 'til dusk laid flat, heart open, eyes closed, being didgeridoo'd at.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2023

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