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Oh Beauty of Beauties

oh beauty of beauties are you not worth a princess are you not worth an admiration didn't you possess your feminine beauty is the way you smile not worth adoring is your physique not worth its compliment the way you walk is calling my attention i will magnify you with my words since my words is my bond oh beauty of beauties... God patiently crafted you for this moment so that i would praise his creativity in you and admire his imagination through you also be inspired by your immaculate virtues oh beauty of beauties why hiding your beauty from those who are destined to be healed by you from those who will be liberated at your sight is your beauty not worth appreciating your beauty is not a mistake it is for this time and season lavishing words on you is not coincident didn't i have the right...though a privilege to share my feelings about you to you to tell you the way i feel about you do you expect me to ignore it or suppress my feelings for your... beauty that is so glaring and blinding oh beauty of beauties look at you with your disarming smile you stare at me with your seductive looks i am captivated with your sparkling beauty your beauty is appealing i will not lie neither will i deceive myself do feelings lie...mine does not lie except i choose to ignore and deny it it's telling me to touch you and hold you it's telling me to look into your eyes and kiss your lips.... it's telling me to hold your hands and walk beside you and with you it's telling me to talk with you it's telling me to laugh with you it's telling me to listen to you as you share your feelings with me it's telling me a do with you oh beauty of beauties its doing me as if to rush over you your spotless smile is fascinatingly are you truly from this part of the world my words can not express how am attracted to you whats the secret my precious i admire you as a person and attracted to your inner beauty oh beauty of beauties....

Copyright © | Year Posted 2011

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Date: 9/6/2011 11:50:00 AM
Congratulations on your well deserved poetry being featured this week Michael. Love, Carol
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