Odyssey From Africa 14d
Chapter 14d (King Ptolemy the second, cont.)
“And upon the open ocean
Far from land in roving sail-ships
How to find the congregations
Of the sharks and rays and tuna
“Where the seabirds thresh the water
Diving after shoals of sardine
Countless million rays of silver
Summoning the ocean banquet
“Swordfish and the leaping dolphins
Albacore and Mahi-Mahi
Monstrous whales that breach the surface
Rising from the nether darkness!”
Han was filled with joy and wonder
And a little trepidation
At the king’s inspiring knowledge
And his passion for the ocean
So he asked of him a question
Of the hardship they experienced
Several seasons of poor catches
In his native fishing village
Had the fishing on this island
Likewise seen a fall in landings?
And King Ptolemy responded
That this had indeed been suffered
And this was the very reason
That the King had instigated
Special projects for the study
Of the ocean and the climate
Then he called out to a servant
“Speak to me the weather forecast!”
And at this the servant signaled
To a nearby wooden watchtower
With a height about ten meters
Where two watchmen kept a vigil
On the tower’s topmost platform,
Called on them to give the forecast
And the forecast was provided
But no single word was spoken
As with outstretched arms a watchman
Waved in both his hands a pennant
One was blue, the other yellow
Now he gave successive signals
Held the flags at varied angles
Which conveyed by combination
Bits of coded information
Would the day bring cloud or sunshine?
Was there any chance of rainstorms?
Of the wind, its strength and bearing
Then the servant spoke the forecast
Having read the flag-waved signals
Of a cloudless sky till moonrise
When the wind would change direction
Bringing rain showers on the morrow
Possibly a storm by evening
“Splendid, splendid!” cried the monarch
“We shall see the stars at night time!”
Then King Ptolemy recounted
How all round the Island’s coastline
And across its central uplands
They had built a chain of watchtowers
Which reported on the weather
Every morning, noon and evening
With the coded flag-waved signals
That from tower to tower transmitted
All the weather observations
To the town of Cannabarro
Gathered at the Royal Palace
To be studied by the scholars
Who upon a large round table
Laid a map of all the kingdom
With the near adjacent islands
And the close surrounding ocean
Copyright © Phil Salmon | Year Posted 2018
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