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Ode To the Greatest Two I Ever Knew

The two greatest Jews I ever knew Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach, a singing troubador reaching lost souls through his joyous music Taken from us too soon, too soon, 1994 The Lubavitcher Rebbe, who saw a smile on every Jew Made you proud to say, 'The Rebbe I knew' Never found a Jew so jaded, so touch that he couldn't find his sunshine, sure enough ___________________________________________ Both of these great men were taken from us in 1994.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2022

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Date: 8/28/2022 6:10:00 AM
Sad, such lively and lovable souls are taken away from this world so fast ! Sweet tribute to two great Rabbis !
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Date: 8/27/2022 11:43:00 AM
A sweet commemoration of the two greatest you knew. Sadly, it seems the good ones leave too soon. laf
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Gershon Wolf
Date: 8/27/2022 8:39:00 PM
Yes, indeed. I think that God wants the good ones back in His Garden. Perhaps. ~ Just sayin'
Date: 8/26/2022 10:24:00 PM
So sad to loose Gershon. Your Poetry brings them back as the special men they were. They will never be forgotten for they were special and you were blessed to have their friendship. It is sad when we lose Special people that are Dear to us. One thing is for sure they will always be carried in you and will never be forgotten for who they were and what they did for those they touched. so sad to know they past Gershon.
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Gershon Wolf
Date: 8/27/2022 8:39:00 PM
Thank you for such a heartfelt comment, Michael. Peace, gw
Date: 8/26/2022 5:28:00 PM
A lovely tribute! My Pastor just lost his wife at 49 years to cancer. He is a strong man. His grief is real and so is his faith.
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Gershon Wolf
Date: 8/27/2022 8:41:00 PM
Oh my. I'm sure it is a very difficult time for your Pastor. May God comfort and console him amidst and among all who mourn. ~ Gershon
Date: 8/26/2022 9:27:00 AM
It's clear these two men had a great impact on your life, gw. That's so good!
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Gershon Wolf
Date: 8/27/2022 8:48:00 PM
Correctimundo, Milt. In fact, these two men are still having a great impact on my life. More profound than ever!! Thanks, gw
Date: 8/26/2022 2:57:00 AM
Gershon, an absolute favorite. I am aware of the Rebbe’s great works. I would describe myself as a Noachide best. There are laws for-the survivors of Noah and the great flood. Though these days, HaShem is not honored as much as he deserves! And Lashon Hora seems not to mean much! How very tragic! Panagiota
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Gershon Wolf
Date: 8/27/2022 8:54:00 PM
Thanks for a fantastic comment, Panagiota... To be a Noachide is a magnificent distinction... As for Lashon Hora, oy! The Plague of Modern Man, as well as not-so-modern man... Here's to Shlomo and the Rebbe, gw

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