Ode To Heart
O hazy shadows who are you?
In misty mask in misty guise
Deep sorrow shut my wild wild eyes
I wish thee I can recognize
Why thou stood with hands on heart?
As if from me apologize
I faint ,I fail,
Why does thou wail?
With world I will now compromise
My heart! In heart of hearts I wished
Thou worldly people could surmise
O heart ! O soul
On thorns thou roll
The life in world was bed of coal
Which shadows come from yonder sky ?
They stood in rows and rows by me
They sob and weep, they wail and cry
O may that for once I could stand!
O may that I say them goodbye !
I can see angels wings on me
I see in Glee how all they fly
I faint ! I fail !
O scented gale!
With thee the bleeding wounds may dry
Thou go thou fly my heart to sky
Go , breath of nature thou enjoy
This earth was not that we wish for
We both in Eden garden dwell
These tears , these wounds these thorny ways
This earth is Adam's progeny hell
O come ! We will go hand in hand
By cloud that float in far off Dell
I faint , I fail .!
Thy sight me ail
The torch of moon was on my scars
People think them gems on sale
O angelish sheen !come out of bars
O leave thou earthly body's jail
I faint, I fail
Why does thou wail
I vow that lord with angels all
In Eden garden thee will hail
Copyright © Sabahat Batool | Year Posted 2023
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