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Ode to a Painted Daisy

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Poetry/Ode/Ode to A Painted Daisy
Copyright Protected, ID 05-1644-554-14
All Rights Reserved, 2024, Constance La France

Written, May 14, 2024
For the International Contest, Admire A Summer Flower
Sponsor, Jay Narain, Judged 05/15/2024

Sixth Place

Pyrethrum Roseum/Painted Daisy/Chrysanthemum Roseum" Sticker for Sale by  Cbusch | Redbubble


"For a Painted Daisy every day is a new beginning to start again,
to find beauty in small things, like a butterfly caress or a bee kiss."

                                                                                  Quote by _Constance

I grew up surrounded by bright flowers, my mom had a pretty cottage garden; of vibrant blooms going on all summer, my favorite was the Painted Daisy! With lovely feathery green fern-like leaves, multi-color petals and gold centers, sparkling in the sun with bright rainbow bursts; rich nectar bringing butterflies and bees! Imagine ceaseless blooms in pinks and rose, in purples oranges, yellow and white; from one glorious lovely summer plant, sublime in gardens, a vase or as dried! Oh, divine the steady stream of color, it represents many things for this girl; purity, love, energy, happiness, and joyful, boundless, endless memories!

Copyright © | Year Posted 2024

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Date: 5/20/2024 4:15:00 PM
Congratulations, Constance! This flower stirs many childhood memories for you.
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La France Avatar
Constance La France
Date: 5/23/2024 1:50:00 PM
Kim, thank you for the congratulations and comment, hugs
Date: 5/16/2024 9:51:00 AM
Congratulation on your win. A lovely write for a lovely flower picture. "Both Beautiful" Have A Blessed Day Writing Away............
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La France Avatar
Constance La France
Date: 5/19/2024 5:18:00 PM
Paula, thank you for the congratulations and compliment, hugs
Date: 5/16/2024 9:34:00 AM
Thanks for listing your nice poem in my sponsored contest. Congratulations.
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La France Avatar
Constance La France
Date: 5/19/2024 5:18:00 PM
Jay, thank you for the contest and my placement, and for the compliment and congratulations, blessings
Date: 5/14/2024 12:26:00 PM
Beautiful, imagery and remembering the beautiful cottage garden your mom put together: )
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La France Avatar
Constance La France
Date: 5/19/2024 5:19:00 PM
Stephan, thank you for the compliment and comment, appreciate, blessings

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