October Love
Behind closed eyes, October beautifies
my dreams glazed brightly in woodlands kissed bare,
with winds composing songs in hazel skies.
Our hands entwined, awakened spirits rise
buoyantly through the apple-sweetened air.
Behind closed eyes, October beautifies!
Midst stars, we gather light to mesmerize
a tranquil earth adrift in silent prayer
with winds composing songs in hazel skies.
Songbirds and Autumn breezes harmonize
as we, on wing, glide over moonbeams, fair.
Behind closed eyes, October beautifies!
In scorching summer, how I fantasize
of you and I nestled near ember’s flare
with winds composing songs in hazel skies!
Like children, branches romp with birds midair -
and swirling leaves enchant us ev’rywhere.
Behind closed eyes, October beautifies
with winds composing songs in hazel skies.
Written – 6/25/20
Contest – Month of the Year I Like Most
Sponsor – Mohan Chutani
Copyright © Rhonda Johnson-Saunders | Year Posted 2020
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