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My boyfriend (Peter) and I went down to New Haven Harbor today. Let’s face it, we’re surrounded by oceans, and most of them are downright inhospitable. I live near the ocean, (pointing) it’s right over there. I love the ocean, tripping over whenever I’ve time to spare. The way I’m fawning over it, you’d think I know it well. But I really only love its edges and undulating swells. It’s like a book that I’ve judged by its cover, a beautiful stranger taken as a lover, or a pie when I’ve only tasted the crust. I love something, I suppose, I’ve barely even touched. Peter says that black, inky “outer-space” is a low-viscosity liquid, another, even vaster ocean that’s more dangerous and rarely visited. The air that we breathe is an ocean - our own, vast, atmosphere - in it swim creatures too small to see, but to the naked eye it looks clear. It flows, eddies and swells - birds swoop in it so you can tell. Of course, the ocean has issues - it's hardly news - corrosion, erosion, sharks and drowning - and the way the ocean lets the moon and air push it around. What I love most is its motion, and how it reflects the sun and the moon. Did I mention that hanging-out by the ocean makes for a pleasant afternoon?

Copyright © | Year Posted 2023

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Date: 4/13/2023 7:59:00 AM
Lovely Anais, this is well penned with good imagery and nice rhyme too. The ocean is so inspiring especially for us writers, have a great day, Gordon
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Anais Vionet
Date: 4/13/2023 6:23:00 PM
Thanks Gordon. I should have been a killer whale.
Date: 3/24/2023 6:14:00 AM
This is lovely. You write with such an irreverent ease, Anais. Nicely penned:)
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Anais Vionet
Date: 3/24/2023 6:33:00 AM
Thanks Daniel
Date: 3/22/2023 8:24:00 AM
"But I really only love its edges and surface. It’s like a book that I’ve judged by its cover, a beautiful stranger I’ve taken for a lover, or a pie when I’ve only tasted the crust. I love something, I suppose, I’ve barely even touched." Excellent read. Brilliant! You get a FAVE!
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Anais Vionet
Date: 3/22/2023 9:21:00 AM
Thank you!

Book: Reflection on the Important Things