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Oblivion Modified

Silence they say is golden and quite glittery All it ever brings is pain and total misery Everyone wants to be proved right But none wants to be left out in love A fresco of wasted dreams A collage of aspirations cast in streams Silence I hear is golden yet so deafening I try to speak it’s always a squabbling Really scared to disturb the peace Tried to piece back one good piece It was only a wink in the dark The pendulum did not swing back Watched love in profile take a dive Settled with the ripples of lies and unlusty lives Silence I see is golden and so so dazzling Autumn’s child came cool and strong A blink all green in me was gone Oh! The peals of heart break and it stings If I could detach my manhood and cry for a moment If I could reach back and erase that moment I walked up and said “how do you do” Twice I loved thrice she lied Can this justify my disposition? Kindly lace my Valium with deprivian Kindly deprive me of this oblivion So I could wake up to you Lay what is left on you Time tells if these would all come true.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2012

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Date: 8/10/2012 5:43:00 PM
This is a poem about my travails in a relationship i wanted to do well, but as the poem says"i watched love in profile take a dive.please read,criticize and above all enjoy this.from my heart to you
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