O' What Is War But the Mad Child of Greed and Hate
O' What Is War But The Mad Child Of Greed And Hate
By uppity arrogance the mouse challenges the lion
And his haughty crown is fused nickel and tin
But 'tis true dark-clad world has far too much cryin'
All brought about by hungry appetites of mad men.
Mankind does not admit arrogance of the womb.
Truth of utter despair of lying in a tomb.
O' what is war but the mad child of greed and hate
Armies march blindly into destruction and death
But crazy leaders love to foolishly tempt dark Fate
As they parade puffed up and plan with whispered breath.
Mankind does not admit arrogance of the womb.
Truth of utter despair of lying in a tomb.
History shows its results, tragic dark dying
And the abject misery needlessly born
With those at home fearful and hearing the lying
From government and politicians we should scorn!
Mankind does not admit arrogance of the womb.
Truth of utter despair of lying in a tomb.
Such bitter conflict indeed does some heroes show
And we here at home do acknowledge their brave deeds
We poets may even polish them til they glow
Sad, all that does is fertilize war's future seeds!
Mankind does not admit arrogance of the womb.
Truth of utter despair of lying in a tomb.
Is it true, war is fruits of arrogance and pride
That mankind has dark-set violence born within
Sure, such blatant truth we in vain so try to hide
Dare we not admit, that it is a tragic sin!
Mankind does not admit arrogance of the womb.
Truth of utter despair of lying in a tomb.
Robert J. Lindley, Rhyme
June 3rd 1973
Note: 9-12-2023
Vietnam War is the reason this poem is composed.
Our guys coming back either dead or else so gravely wounded.
Note: 6-03-1973
I turned 19 this year. I'd rather not be drafted to fight a war that
is not fought to win. Besides war is evil.
Copyright © Robert Lindley | Year Posted 2023
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