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O Twain of Life and Death

Flame of life flutters, tide wanes sans reason, Death droppeth shutters, life sinks in a pit, The day looks dull, the dark clouds hides when sun, Night’s moonless, no stars ne’ertheless are lit. Life's breathless breasts hide failing heart beneath As if to mask a universal truth, Creeping in unseen, Death bares deadly teeth, Dying life dreams of days of vibrant youth. And returns home carrying no suitcase, O leaving amidst unfinished hopes hemmed, As loveliest words get frozen on face, Just as rarest poems may die un-penned. And as some life-long goals remain un-scored, As one-sided love remains mute, wordless, Life is set sailed to float across un-oared, Suffer her new sentence, sailing clueless, Death cometh, two un-dotted times to dot, To bring together two random journeys, Sepulchral silence falls, church bells toll not, The air thickens, freezes as if chilled breeze. And ye Life, kids’ paper boats life collapse, A puddle's all it takes to soak and sink, No storm to tilt it to drown as it haps, Ye just hasten O to kiss your last brink. Yet, maligned Death, thou art no enemy Of Life— a darling nigh of so many, Ye walk with Life with such rare levity, For such largesse, ye get not a penny! To thee Death, tomorrow’s but next moment, Thine future tied on a tenuous thread, Ye live half-shut eyed, instant to instant, And still, thine last goodbye is such a dread. O Death do stay firm as my fervent friend, Never forget, we are a Siamese twain, Be my morrow till my life’s very end, We die together as one bound by chain. _________________________________________ Musings | 03.05.12 | Ode Topic: life, death

Copyright © | Year Posted 2021

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