O Lord My God
O Lord my God, my strength and consolation
In every walk, thy voice has been my guide
When I am weak, and most in need of comfort
Inside me still, thy spirit doth abide
When I am lost, I feel thy sweet forgiving
Thou calleth me, to glorify thy ways
Thy path is peace, thy Word is true salvation
In all thy works, thy holiness displays
If I remain, in humble adoration
I know my heart, will fly on angel wings
To hear Thy voice, and rise in exultation
In tears of joy, and gratitude it brings
In countless ways, His Holy Spirit prompts us
To follow Him, and do what He would do
At every turn, through tears of tribulation
He lights the way, to guide and help us through
If we are true, our souls will rise to meet Him
And oh what joy, will fill our hearts that day
To feel His wounds, in resurrection's glory
And know our sins, have all been washed away
He calls on us, to join that sweet occasion
The gathering, of those who sing His praise
The humble few, who seek to know His wisdom
And magnify, the glory of His ways
When we are weak, and most in need of comfort
And storms of life, obstruct us on our way
He speaks to us, in loving words of kindness
When we lose hope, and worry day-to-day
He came to earth, to plead for our redemption
And for the price, His righteous blood was shed
When we believe, that Christ is our salvation
Then we are free, as He Himself has said
When He returns, in majesty and power
The humble few, will rise to meet Him then
To sing His praise, in joyful adoration
And know the Lord, has come to earth again.
Copyright © Bryan Norton | Year Posted 2022
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