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Nursery Rhyme Twist

Now Jack & Jill went up the hill, While Humpty fell off the wall This made the little dog laugh, And Cinders went off to the Ball. When Jack fell down, it wasn't funny, But Poo didn't care, he had his Honey. Snow White liked her lemonade in a cup Lived deep in the woods with her 7 UP. Now Hump is still on the deck in pieces, And Cinders is having a ball with meeces. Over in the corner, Little Jack Horner Looking dumb after scoffing a plum, Feeling shy, he gave out a groan, And said what a sad case am I. © Dave Timperley 18/10/2021

Copyright © | Year Posted 2021

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Date: 10/21/2021 11:05:00 PM
Woah yayy wow a super cool mod twist to the nursery rhymes but trust me yours is more sensible and makes more sense and great for a change. Kudos!! >>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<~~~~~`¶§ Plz do read and comment my newest poem too
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Dave Timperley
Date: 10/29/2021 6:25:00 AM
Thanks Zaynab, nice to get comments now and then. Have a peep at your latest offering now. Blessings. D.

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