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Now it is shameful!

To show that you care When on your chin is fur, Because..."All men are the same." For, those who care will have their hearts damaged and eyes, filled with bloodlike tears. And once you're seen crying, Or "whimpering", then you're a weakling. Yet, men are supposed to be Strong. Because, "All men are the same", right? So, play along and tell tales Of how strong you are And how long in the dark you can dwell, Fear, being the last thing you can even smell. Now it is shameful, To appear soft and loving When others are rough and tough If the blanket goes off, no need for tugging, For you will give us another reason to laugh Because, "All men are strong!" For, soft and loving are qualities not suitable For a player who knows how the ball rolls. You can't be a man, yet not a player That's just a wish, you're a terrible liar. And besides, "All men are the same", right?

Copyright © | Year Posted 2024

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