now and then
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I saw a girl
That looked like you.
It took my breath away.
I wanted to say
To her;
What I long to say to you.
I almost said it aloud;
I love you.
A complete stranger.
I just stared at her.
In a coffee shop,
On campus,
I saw a young girl
That reminded me
So much, of you.
Her hair, her eyes, Brown,
And beautiful.
The way she fingered her pen,
Pressing it thoughtfully
Against her lip,
Eyes raised to one side,
Head resting on one palm,
Hair, cascading like a waterfall;
Shimmering, pooling,
Onto her open book.
I wanted to be that book.
I wanted to be with you.
For a moment,
I was.
Copyright © Vernon Witmer | Year Posted 2025
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