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Not Satiated

I look at things and I am still unsatisfied When are You ever going to make me satisfied? I still see things that are needing improvements Is it a lost cause? Why do You put in me the need for satisfaction when You don't even fulfill it? Are You going to fulfill it? Is it always like a climbing stairs - one step higher than the last? When am I ever going to be considered "done"? When can I not want anything anymore? Too silly You are probably never going to oblige it Too demanding Too much for You? I don't know why my vision is different than yours It should be the same as You are the One who puts it in me Then tell me - why can't You do all in one step instead of taking me to it one at a time? Don't understand You

Copyright © | Year Posted 2015

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Date: 10/17/2015 12:26:00 PM
Thought provoking
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