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Not Just Another Thursday

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The House of Representatives, the Senate and the Administration in Washington, appear to believe they are royalty and that the few can make non-representative decisions for the many.

The Federal government was set up to be a central place for all the states to be represented to make laws and decisions that  affected all the people; not to control everything. We need to re-re-establish the basis for that.

Not Just Another Thursday By Franklin Price 07/04/2024 It's not just another Thursday It's the fourth day of July Celebrating independence These few words will tell you why Our founding fathers took a chance And declared to separate From the hand of England On this very month and date In seventeen and seven six Independence was declared Here and now is where we are This is to look how we have fared The government in Washington Has replaced the English King The independence of the people Is not presently their thing The parties do not oft agree The people suffer for their voice The election soon is coming It's time to make a better choice The ones who think they're royalty Quite a few there is no doubt Have reduced our independence In November vote them out If we care for independence We must vote upon that day We the people must particpate To have our declaration say

Copyright © | Year Posted 2024

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Date: 7/4/2024 6:57:00 AM
The day we set you free with a little cup of tea. God, I'm a poet and I didn't know it. Happy 4th of July.
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