Not Just Another Prof, Short Version
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(short version by same title ( )

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The September I met him remains etched in my mind
One by one the minutes rolling by ever so slowly
I sat in class awaiting an explanation that never came
I surmised he’d been a burn victim ~ suffered and healed
How could he now sit there so serene and nonchalant
Over my inner spiel I hadn’t heard a word he said
So consumed was I in wait with my unanswered questions
Then spending the second half of class feeling stupid
Regretting the meddlesome monologue in my head
It was three hours of my life I would never get back
Really ~ how was it any of my business?
This was all way back in those pre-internet days
Before google searches easily unraveled any mystery
For weeks he never spoke about the elephant in the room
It boggled my mind why I expected he ever would
In a short time I became enchanted with this man’s soul
Respectfully in awe of this cultured learned gentle man
A poet possibly a genius ~ he was ordained to touch lives
To shake and rattle foundations ~ disentangle paradigms
A transcendent grace exuded from his every word and glance
AP: 1st place 2021
Posted on May 2, 2020
Copyright © Line Gauthier | Year Posted 2020
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