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Not Easily Broken

People's, people-of a *modest degree*. Forgive me if something about this poem is offensive to anyone, my apology to the psyche of your mind that's trying to hide old wounds, wounds of envy, and transguility. Over and over the year's following the same old trend of religious prosterity and made up rule's, has gotten us nowhere. Nowhere but deeper and deeper in a state of implicable confusion that have given us the illusion of a subject that very rareily is ever spoken. "Not easily Broken. "Who do they they're fooling". For the truth of some religious fanantic's is that paying your tithe's and trust- ing good peoples(?) exspecially if they're white or are above the norm of simplicity, put ting down the minoritie's is the only way to Heaven. Let his word be spoken, "Not Easily Broken", the problem with dealing with the trend of acceptence, life and everyday occurence's, is that some-not all, folk's have not com- pletely come to grip that we live in perilous times, times of same-sex marriages, pastors of large churche's being caught with the infidelity of the prosterity of lust and the immor- turity of a fallen yoken. Who thus thou think they're fool'nn, who thus think for the achie- ver's, the believers that hear the word of God, an aunascity of authencity and natur- al ability.(Are you following me) Jesus is diplicted as some hippee-looking white dude and for centurie's and long year's gone by, this has been the trend. The truth was and still is hardly ever spoken, that he's Emanuel (God of all) so whether you're White, Latino, Indian, Afro-American, (LOVE) is the token. "Not Easily Broken".

Copyright © | Year Posted 2009

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Date: 8/22/2009 2:00:00 AM
Awesome title... if anyone is offended, then it is because they are the ones you are writing about, or they are the true ones that know the majority are not true... truth is sometimes actually wrote quite politely.
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Date: 8/21/2009 11:20:00 AM
This poem is going to set off a lot of readers, because for a long time we have been kept in the shadow of being scare to say things to white folks and the war that's still being dealt with over-there and now that's the cat is out of the bag about no-one havine ever seen Jesus personily, I appreciate the knowledgeable ess- ence to speak your mind. Thank You!!!
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