Nori, Susan and Debbie
Met Nori on a bus on trip with
The Girl Rangers - Boy Scouts.
She was a year ahead, nothing said.
She didn't fit in, neither did I.
We became buddies, thirteen years.
We drank, smoked, got higher in rank.
My prize was being most overlooked.
One trip for being far from camp.
We were thick as thieves, friends.
She loved my dad, as I loved Susan's
Mother, both alcoholics. Susan was
Another friend, but not as close.
My brother's friend was Phil, Susan's
Brother. My third friend was Debbie.
Her mother took me under her wing.
Nori was the closest. She helped me
Leave on my journey at seventeen,
And again at twenty-seven. My dad
Kept in touch, I did not. She didn't
Change after children, I did. Her
Childen were almost same age as mine.
I've tried now to find her with no luck.
Copyright © June Ellen Smith | Year Posted 2010
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