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Nonsensical Word Play

all gym op Ill chumps free caw’s paces. ball brim bop dill thumps see jaw’s maces. call crim cop grill pumps knee saw’s cases. nonsensical word play is the aces! doll dim drop shrill humps plea yaw’s places. fall flim flop frill rumps tree slaw’s glaces. hall him hop jill lumps dee flaw’s races. sing song rhythm leaves graces. enthrall limb lop bill dumps knee straw's laces mall mim mop cill grumps lee vaw's faces paul prim pop hill stumps wee heehaw's praces melody keeps me jumping glaces saul stem stop zill mumps jee gnaw’s braces tall grim plop thrill plumps zee draw’s vasesp wall whim whop pill frumps kee shaw’s daces loving this poem and her traces.

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Date: 11/11/2022 9:15:00 AM
I'll bet this was not easy to write.
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Krutsinger Avatar
Caren Krutsinger
Date: 11/12/2022 1:22:00 AM
I have to stay one more hour after school than our students -so I do things like this so my mind does not go to sleep.

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