Nonprofit Cooperatism
An important truth of non-profit cooperatism,
as contrasted with for-profit corporatism,
is democratic wisdom
of co-investing capital and equity and interdependence,
giving from a healthy egalitarian heart
is also receiving a wealthier, more resilient, bilateral mind,
mind and body fullness,
ego- and eco-therapeutic resonance.
While true of all non-profit
non-competitive economic and democratic cultures,
this may be peculiarly enhanced by religious multicultures,
interfaith communions of active hope for local,
and thereby,
emerging global health of nutrition-cultured outcomes.
It also seems curious to me
that people with disabilities
and chronically homeless people,
people with significant mental and physical health concerns,
are disproportionately aware
of mystical correlations between internal
and external climate conditions,
chaotic and complex,
peaceful and resonant,
dissonant and confluent.
A balmy blue sky day
is more likely to evoke joy,
Just as cold,
inside depression
political repression
social suppression
lack of economic impression
predict winter's long hibernating darkness.
It may be
dying and dissonant faith communities,
and zealous triumphalistic fundamentalists
favoring red state nationalistic patriarchal
and homophobic
and anti-feminist fake-patriotism,
are enduring the dreg effects of theological apartheid,
Competitions in who has the most redeeming
right-wing economic effects
while ignoring green growing local democratic multicultural inclusion
healthy resilience
polycultural resonance.
Such competitors may need
Active participation of those with climatic disability experience,
Those who have recently been released from imprisoning cells,
Those who winter in overnight shelters
and summer outside under the stars,
Those torn apart by inside violence
looking longingly toward memories of outside childhood resonance,
Those trained by State machines to kill
as automatically and robotically as commanded
by the AntiEarth voice of a violent god.
And, such wounds
and lingering climate vulnerability
through trials of impoverished internal spirits
and externally hungry natures,
may need active hope and faith and compassion cultures
more than elitist and segregated
lukewarm inside win-or-lose capitalistic faith communities,
removed from worshiping outside blue sky memories,
cooperative climates of healthy resonant faith.
Copyright © Gerald Dillenbeck | Year Posted 2020
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