None Are Immune To Ceaseless Ravages of Time
None Are Immune To Ceaseless Ravages Of Time
In vain we beg for that which once we had
Things Time destroys with its whispering ease
Sometimes its destruction is not so bad
and at others, ones best gems it will seize.
Time eats away as a ravenous beast.
With cold indifference, on all it feasts.
In eager youth we are too often blind
To wicked hands of invisible foe
We deny its bites with inventive minds
Using our dreams to alter life's true show.
Time eats away as a ravenous beast.
With cold indifference, on all it feasts.
Realization comes one fateful day
we wake to see Time's long, razor sharp teeth
bitter fruits of it having had its way
seeing graves of those its laid underneath.
Time eats away as a ravenous beast.
With cold indifference, on all it feasts.
R.J. Lindley, Sept. 4th, 1988
Rhyme, ( How Time And Fate With Heartless Ease Destroy )
Copyright © Robert Lindley | Year Posted 2020
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